Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Wedding Madness

So before I become horribly swamped in details and overwhelmed with the minutia that I think is coming, I am going to be horribly proud of myself in regards to wedding planning.

So far Prince Charming and I have:

1) Booked the church and hall
2) Mostly booked a caterer (just waiting for a taste test which is already booked, and probably mostly a formality)
3) Figured out tuxes (final fittings tomorrow)
4) Bought one wedding dress
5) Booked the photographer
6) Decided on favours
7) Bought invitations (Yay Michael's!)
This is pretty far in advance, so that is pretty exciting for me.

In about five minutes, I'll realize what else needs doing, start crying, give myself a massive migraine and collapse.

Prince Charming won't know what hit him.

Actually, he will, and hopefully he:

1) Won't take it personally (probable)
2) Won't let it get to him (unsure, he also gets stressed about the wedding, but usually we freak out at different times so it tends to not be a disaster)
3) Will realize that it will end (definitely probable, when I freak out about something, he is generally pretty good about staying calm, putting me to bed and/or feeding me, and weathering the storm )

On to the next thing....

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

End of Term

I just finished my last final. It will probably take a little to turn my head around and actually realize that I'm done for the term.

In retrospect, I will say that it wasn't my best term, and I'm going to have to do something to make sure that next term isn't so hard/bad.

9 credits left until I graduate. God willing.

However, before I do that, I'm going to watch White Christmas tonight with Prince Charming (who is finally home) and wrap christmas presents and have a lovely dinner.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Free! Free! Free!

Well, sort of. I have one test left, but not for 12 days. Prince Charming comes home in 4 days. So today I am going to go play with a camera with a friend of mine. Maybe I'll get a picture for the site, maybe not. If you are in Edmonton, we will be the two loons at the Legislature grounds, running around like nutcakes. It will be mucho grande latte fun.

In the meantime I'm borrowing her computer while she showers and prettifies herself. You know, all that girly stuff at which that particular friend excels at. It should be a photo-extravaganza, and a rather long post. or not. she's pretty quick. Fun huh?

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Last Day of School, or the day I finally regain my mind

Today, gentle reader, is the last day of school for the Fall 2005 school year at the University of Alberta.

Yes, today is the day where I remember that there actually is an end in sight, and that soon all that there will be left is 9 credits of courses between myself and graduation, whatever that may bring.

Of course, between myself and that exact moment is about four pages of b.s. (yes, you heard me Mr. Literary/Visual Criticism-Fan, a big whole load of someone ate too much McDonald's crap er... crap, but I mean it!) Oh, and that one big honking scary test that fortunately I have a nice chunk of time to study for and learn all the things I was too busy trying to keep up to actually understand. Well, unless I totally screw that one up.

Perhaps you are wondering about my track record for studying during exam week, especially after Prince Charming just got home after 4 months of being 2 timezones away?

Well, it might not be the best, but with a little faith, hope, a very detailed schedule, I may not do so badly. Here's hoping.

And might you be wondering also where exactly I am at this moment due to my latest technical trials?

Well, I am at the nicest lab in the university that I've found so far. Which is as far of a discription as I'm giving anyone because it happens to be both a) quiet, b) not too busy and c) posessing of both windows and a nice view. Keeping it that way might mean that other's cant enjoy it, but that is a sacrifice I'm ok with making in order to keep the gomers out.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Panties! Panties! Panties!

Oh, but not your average natty grannie panties, oh no. We are talking very cute new panties, just in time for Christmas. Unfortunately, I don't think they have the exact pairs that I have online, which is very sad, because they are even nicer looking. I will admit, I am a sucker for ribbons on panties. Although, I almost got these, but in blue or black. I will admit, I was very sad that I also A) am not super rich, being a student and all, and B) stopped fitting their bras years ago. Oh well, less cute things to spend money on means more money spent here and here.

Or something like that.

I would just like to say that I deliberately did not make any comments about how the panties don't look the same on me as they do on the models. Very deliberately.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Re: Spelling Seeks to Swat Sex Claims

Now, I have no idea if Spelling is a dirty pervert or not, but I am completely... I don't even know the word I am right now. Disgusted? Shocked? Resigned to stupidity, or at best, a very large lack of proper education?

First of all, there is a very large confusion here. Apparently it is unknown among certain people that physical force is not necessary for sexual abuse to have occurred. One of the reasons that is so because sexual abuse can come in many forms. Coercion can also take place in other ways besides physical threats. Do I really need to spell these possible scenarios out?

Now, Aaron Spelling is in a wheelchair right? I have no idea why I think that, probably the 4-yr old pushing him over comment. Anyway, as gratuitious as that image is, it is irrelevant.

Being in a wheelchair, or able to be pushed over by a 4-yr old doesn't mean that a person can't inappropriately touch another person, or make inappropriate and uwanted comments. All of which are definitely within the grounds of sexual abuse/harassment. So is being coerced into actions which the victim is unwilling, which also can be done from a wheelchair.

I will admit that I'm not sure of the actual American codes that apply, since you know, I took Canadian Criminal Justice System, not US CJS, and if there is one thing my eternally long years of post secondary have taught me is that only twits cite without A) proper references and B) factchecking.

Why I Don't Like School

So, there is a very long list of things I don't like about school. I'm pretty sure that this is the same sort of thing that everyone hates about school, but I can be unoriginal if I want to.

1)It never freaking stops.

There is no point at which you can say, "Oh look, I'm done. Fantabulous." You will always have chapters to read, notes to make, assignments to research, background info and philosophy to study. Asses to kiss, and so on and so forth.

The worst I think is the background in philosophy that I don't have. If you are taking an arts degree, TAKE PHILOSOPHY 101!!!! It is the one course that I actually wish I had taken, not because I care, but because it would have been effing useful. It is the beginning of every class. It comes up after the discussion of Freud and his ideas, and how they apply to whatever class you were sucker enough to take. If you did take that class, you could probably safely skip the first two or three classes. Especially in any 200 level course.

2) First years.

You can smell it on them. That glorious freedom, the first time away from dreaded Mom and Dad, and their totally downer rules. It ranges from the scent of impending alcoholism, to the totally unsurprising realisation that... "I think I might be bi." I understand, this is new, msn tells us so. But really. Think about this. First you have a liberal environment (most universities.) Then you add increasingly relaxed sexual mores (definitely for the girls.) Add a legal drinking age of 18 and you get bicuriosity. Plus the little freaks never study.

3)Annoying pre-grad school bitches.

This may be limited to the Psych department, but its mostly because it is ingrained into you that to make your degree useful, you have to go to grad school, whether you are into research or actually talking to people (just joking, I know that the researchers have to talk to people too sometimes, but you know what I mean.) It doesn't help that everywhere you go, you have classrooms of 200+ students for most of your classes. Meaning? There will be craploads of competition for any job you might be even remotely qualified for.

This environment leads to the assholes and bitches that you hate, you hate them for their wonderful GPA's, their extensive volunteering history, their research assistance history (and resulting excellent relationships with faculty and staff,) their personal history with whatever disorder/disabilities/environments and the glowing reference letters that you know that they are going to get.

The kicker is that there is such an obvious hierarchy, so if you don't have some sort of grad school plans, you are obviously deficient in some way. Because, come on, why else would you get a psych degree? Some are assholes about this, and some are surprisingly nice. I think that you going to understand how the split is divided.

4)How expensive everything is.

The cheapest coffee is about $1.70. This is not for anything fancy or super large. It is a smallish cup of regular blend coffee. I think i found $1.50 once, but it was a small cup, and the place only had one kind of coffee (versus the usual minimum of dark, medium, flavoured, decaf assortment.) I'm not actually a coffee snob, (well, I don't think) but I did once work in a coffee shop, and it does make you notice stuff like that.

If God is smiling at me when I need to buy textbooks, I may end up with spending $30-75 dollars per class. Unfortunately, this is not usually the case. This semester I spent about $500 dollars (I am in THREE classes this term!) It is so painful to spend that kind of money. Especially since resale is a chancy business.

You will notice I leave out tuition. Yes, we all wish we lived in France where in your french 101-102 class they taught you that the government pays for university like high school got paid for. However, I have resigned to the current government's irrational postsecondary policies (more non-self sustaining scholarships? why? is there nothing better you could have done? Just like fashion, you dont spend all your money on the flashy items, you buy them cheap at discount. Spend the money on basic staples of your wardrobe that will last for years.) I also understand according to the extremely basic economics that I understand, I value this thing I pay for enough to only gag at the pricetag, and not bring up my cookies all over the table in rejection. Plus I would feel kinda hypocritical, seeing as how I get so much support.

Although, I also understand that undergrad tuition also pays for you know, the important students. The graduate ones. The ones that might actually publish something, compared to the definitley statistically insignificant undergrad that might make the paper for some freakish reason.

5) Due to both of our programs, Prince Charming is two timezones away from me. We are not together because of school.

I understand that in 8 months we will be married and shackled together forever, but it is still not balm to my psyche.

So, there you are reasons why I don't like school.

Five months until I graduate. Yes, I am counting. And I understand how bitter and bitchy this post will make me sound. I wont even bother telling the world that I'm actually a nice person, who totally doesn't kick puppies.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Why I Like School

I recently discovered that there is now an academic peer-reviewed journal about graphic novels and comics. It is called ImageTexT, and can be found here:

Super fantastic, hey? I'm excited.

Unfortunately I now have to go and work, which is a reason that I don't like school.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Things I Have Done And Not Done

It may be a month since I've last published, but it doesn't feel like it's been so long. I guess that I've just been very busy. To save time and energy, I will give a list of some of what I've done since last post.

Some of What I have Done:

1) Written two papers, one on reading graphic novels, and the other on the self.
2) Written a midterm, on advanced statistics. VERY DIFFICULT.
3) Gone to Toronto, to see Prince Charming become the Reverend Prince Charming.
4) Crocheted several scarves, and figured out why I was always losing stitches, which resulted in a very unattractive scalloped pattern. I wasn't throwing an extra stitch on the end of each row.
5) Discovered Lush's bath melts, specifically, "Something Wicked This Way Comes" which leaves your skin both soft and sparkly. A BIG favourite.
6) Gotten a virus on my computter, rendering my browser currently unoperable. Where am I now? On the library computer. At school, that place I try to spend the least amount of time possible.
7) Started my own personal mantra and method for studying stats. More on that later.
8) Seen some very good movies, and some very mediocre movies, and some very sad movies.
9) Missed Prince Charming horribly
10) Quit my job.
11) Finished my job. Which are two very different things, I assure you.

Things I have not done:

1) Not found a wedding dress.
2) Not gone to the gym.
3) Not finished all my readings.
4) Not done the dishes from this weekend.
5) Not finished cleaning my house.
6) Not planned my birthday party.

So, that is what has been going on for me. I know that all three people that read my blog are very excited to know that, so there you go. Bon Appetit.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Technological Wonders

I wrote this a while ago, so for those of you that know my mum, her telephone is working now, and you can give her a call if you like.

I've never realized just how many people I know that have an online presence. My old roommate was telling me about all the people we know that have blogs or websites, and I just got an email from my cousin inviting me to her web-thing. I tried getting onto her site, but got totally confused. This would be a good time for Prince Charming to not be in Toronto. He's much better at figuring this stuff out than I am. I still don't know how to make a picture become an url, but I do think I might know why I need too. YAY!

Unfortunately, this post makes me feel like I'm perpetuating the stereotype of women as technologically inept. I hope that the learning curve isn't too slow. Just like learning to read, this might take a while.

On the other hand, if you think about it, just fifty years ago (if you give it a really flexible estimate), my mum got power out at the farm, and currently is without a landline because she has some of the oldest telephone lines going out to her house and the telephone company hasn't fixed it yet. It is an interesting contrast. I live in the city with my high-speed internet, and my parents live in the country with connection speeds that cause me physical pain when I'm visiting. I talk twice a week in a videoconference with Prince Charming while he's away at school. There is no way possible for me to do that at mum's house, even though her computer is much, much nicer than mine.

Very interesting.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

4:30 AM

Sometimes at 4 AM there is almost a luminescence about everything, a clarity of thought. A calmness can fill you with a philosophical certainty and understanding. Today is not one of those days. I am fighting to stay awake, fighting to stay occupied, fighting to keep busy. I feel sick and sore this morning. It helps that I had unexpected good news this morning, but my elbow still hurts. I banged it on the doorjamb of my bathroom while I was walking and doing my hair. Obviously I was doing one too many things. That will teach me.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Miss Super Optimist

My sense of curiosity is still alive and kicking in regards to my blog. I was actually excited about fiddling with this site, seeing what kind of things I can do with an absolute lack of knowledge about html and even the general mechanics of logging into the blogger website. Fortunately, I figured out how to log in again. This might mean that I may pick up a little of the html stuff. Today, apparently I'm Miss Super Optimist.

I will warn you though, this will probably never be a site that people will point at and say "My oh my, isn't that sharp looking." Just so you know what to expect. This is what I do when I get off work, no one's left a message on my answering machine and I feel like chatting with someone. So you, my mythical unknown reader, get to hear my drivel. I don't know what to make of you yet, so this is what you get. Blogger-wise, I'm still a first-year, trying to figure out if I want to go for the big bucks and go with engineering or business, or take the high road and study the arts and the soul. Fortunately this is much cheaper than spending thousands on higher education and all that jazz. Not that I have any experience with that at all. Nope, none.

The Beginning

So by sheerest accident, I now have my own blog. I feel somewhat akin to a person who has unexpectedly aquired a very large puppy that will only grow larger. Much larger. On the other hand, maybe this puppy will stay a nice, reasonable size. Easily housebroken.